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Displaying 141 - 151 of 151

A Strategic Plan for ‘Radically Different’ Care

Discusses the Blueprint for Complex Care — a joint project of the National Center for Complex Health and Social Needs, the Center for Health Care Strategies, and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement — which is acting as a strategic plan for the emerging field of complex care.
February 2018

Engaging Family Caregivers in Programs for People with Complex Needs

Most care delivery systems don’t proactively identify and meaningfully engage or support family caregivers in visits or care plans. Jennifer Wolff, PhD, a gerontologist and health services researcher shares how complex care programs can better engage families in care for patients.
December 2017

Who Are Complex Care Patients?

Patients with complex needs are often described as the five percent of patients who account for 50 percent of health care spending. Behind that often cited statistic are the individuals who make up that population — all of whom have their own stories and needs.
September 2017

An International Perspective on High-Need, High-Cost Patients

Marit Tanke, MD, PhD, a Commonwealth Fund Harkness Fellow, walks us through her research to analyze high-need, high-cost patients across four countries — including her methodology, how costly these patients are, who these patients are, and how they use health care.
August 2017