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Displaying 1 - 20 of 834

Understanding How Social Care Programs Impact Health

Laura Gottlieb, founding co-director of the Social Interventions Research and Evaluation Network, discusses emerging evidence on social care interventions and identifies pathways through which social care programs likely impact health.
May 2024

Making a Case for Community Paramedicine: Evidence Roundup

Explores how community paramedicine programs have been implemented across the country, what evidence supports the effectiveness of these models, and how state and federal policies are helping to support the sustainability of these services.
March 2024

Finding a Place to Be Somebody

This essay from Lawrence Lincoln, a former unhoused person in California, documents his journey of recovery and subsequent work with a care community.
February 2024

Equity in Telehealth: Toolkit for Telehealth Providers

Providers can apply these tools when designing and refining telehealth services delivery to meet the needs of older adults with a range of physical, cognitive, linguistic, and cultural differences.
Implementation Tool