Web-based tool offers guidance and examples for cross-sector case planning for adults with behavioral health needs leaving jails and prisons.
Individuals reentering communities after incarceration have significant health needs, including chronic physical and behavioral health conditions, as well as experience challenges meeting their social needs, such as limited access to housing, healthy food, and employment. Case management can be particularly helpful for this population, given their cross-system needs and potential risks for reincarnation and hospitalization.
Collaborative comprehensive case plans (CC Case Plans), developed by the Council of State Governments Justice Center, are case management tools that take into account behavioral health needs and recidivism risk factors. This web-based tool provides correctional and health care stakeholders guidance for streamlining collaboration across systems to implement CC Case Plans and better serve individuals with behavioral health needs leaving jails and prisons
About This Tool
The resource outlines key priorities and components to implementing effective CC Case Plans, such as case conference procedures, staff training, and participant engagement, and includes examples from the field. It offers tailored recommendations and implementation guides depending on whether the lead case planner is a behavioral health provider, community supervision agency, correctional agency, or housing provider.
Health care providers, community-based organizations, and criminal legal system partners can benefit from implementing CC Case Plans to better maintain open lines of communication across the multiple providers and systems that individuals leaving incarceration encounter. CC Case Plans or similar case management planning models can be especially helpful for entities in states that are beginning to offer Medicaid reimbursement for pre-release case management as part of the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ reentry 1115 demonstration waiver opportunity.