A Communication Guide for Talking with Patients with a History of Criminal Justice Involvement

New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Implementation Tool
June 2024
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Recommendations to facilitate trust and effective communication between health care providers and patients with a history of criminal legal system involvement.


Individuals with criminal legal system involvement have unique experiences that health care providers must be aware of to build trust and effectively support this population in addressing their health needs. These experiences may include past trauma related to periods of incarceration or complex health and social needs, which are exacerbated by having a criminal record. This guide outlines practical communication techniques for primary care providers to create a safe and respectful environment for patients with criminal legal system involvement.

About the Tool

The guide includes four key recommendations: (1) use person-first language that defines the individual over their history or conditions; (2) employ a trauma-informed approach that recognizes the impact that physical and emotional trauma is likely to have on individuals with criminal legal system involvement (3) normalize clinical conversations by through clear, simple language and ensuring to directly acknowledge patient needs; and (4) recognize personal biases and actively separate biases from interactions by focusing on the individual and empathizing with their reality.   


The techniques and resources in this guide offer practical tools for health care providers to effectively engage with patients with criminal legal system involvement. 

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