The Need for Data Transparency in Skilled Nursing Facilities

Michael S. Adelberg
Aaron T. Dobosenski
Erin M. Prednergast
February 2022
Cover of "The Need for Data Transparency in Skilled Nursing Facilities".


Policy recommendations to improve accuracy and accessibility of skilled nursing facility regulatory data.  


There is currently no centralized database of regulatory information for skilled nursing facilities (SNFs). The data is housed across many different fragmented sources which makes it difficult to assess quality of care in SNFs and understand the factors that impact quality and outcomes.


This report identifies policy recommendations that address four challenges related to SNF data: (1) the absence of a centralized data repository; (2) limited capacity to connect information across datasets; (3) issues of data integrity, particularly within self-reported data; and (4) the inaccessibility of data sources. The authors emphasize the necessity of a federal data transparency strategic plan to initiate the full integration of SNF data and offer actionable steps to enhance the transparency and utility of existing SNF data systems.


This report provides a valuable starting point for policy stakeholders seeking to understand the fundamental challenges of accessing SNF data and identifies promising solutions. The authors emphasize the need to connect information about SNF ownership structure with quality data, particularly in the context of increasing investments in SNFs by private equity firms. Improving state-level databases and policy reforms could drive subsequent federal policy changes.

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