Queen Anne's County Mobile Integrated Community Health (MICH) Program

Case Example
February 2021
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An integrated community health program serving adults with very complex health and social needs through routine telehealth and in-person visits saw a decrease in hospital and emergency department utilization and significant cost-savings.


The Queen Anne's County Mobile Integrated Community Health (MICH) program was created in 2014 to reduce utilization for adults with frequent use of emergency services and emergency department visits, as well as frequent hospital readmissions. The program was delivered by a team that included a nurse, paramedic, pharmacist, and a peer recovery coach and licensed addiction counselor, as needed, in fixed intervals of in-person and telephonic engagement. This study explores findings from the program across a three-year period.


233 people with a high average of medications and co-morbidities were enrolled into the MICH program. Reductions in emergency services use, emergency department visits, and hospital readmissions were seen at 30- and 90-days post-enrollment for the patient population, representing a total health care cost savings of $3,393,908.


Integrated Community Health programs that combine regular in-person and telephonic engagement show promising evidence for improving care and reducing health care costs for people with complex health and social needs.

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