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Displaying 21 - 40 of 97

Community Health Worker Programs

Curates recent evidence behind community health worker programs that support people with complex health and social needs, as well as practical strategies to support effective implementation of these programs.

April 2023

The National Harm Reduction Technical Assistance Center

This national technical assistance center offers free connections to harm reduction resources and experts for providers and community-based organizations seeking to implement harm reduction services.
Website/Resource Center

Addiction Care

Curates recent evidence behind newer approaches to addiction care for people who have complex needs, as well as practical strategies to support effective implementation of these programs for people with substance use disorder.

December 2022

Housing and Health

Curates recent evidence behind housing programs and interventions, and explores practical tools and case studies on effective strategies for improving the health of people experiencing homelessness or unstable housing.

April 2022

Medical Respite Care Tool Kit

Resources to help organizations develop and improve medical respite programs for people experiencing homelessness.
Implementation Tool