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Develop Coordinated Care Plans

Coordinated care plans can help keep all providers informed about the patient’s needs and preferences, helping to coordinate care and decrease waste.
February 2018

Partner with Payers

Highlights opportunities for developing partnerships with payers to support enhanced care models for patients with complex needs.
February 2018

Integrate Health Coaches into the Care Team

Health coaching can play an especially important role for patients with complex needs, who may struggle to manage multiple conditions, multiple providers, and services outside the health system.
February 2018

Care Ecosystem Toolkit

Details implementation guidance for the evidence-based Care Ecosystem model, which improves supports for people with dementia and their caregivers.
Implementation Tool

Engaging Family Caregivers in Programs for People with Complex Needs

Most care delivery systems don’t proactively identify and meaningfully engage or support family caregivers in visits or care plans. Jennifer Wolff, PhD, a gerontologist and health services researcher shares how complex care programs can better engage families in care for patients.
December 2017

Define the Care Management Team

Outlines how to develop a care team that can help control costs by allowing medical providers to work to the top of their license.
November 2017