The Health Care Guide to Contracting with CBOs

Aging and Disability Business Institute, Partnership to Align Social Care, Camden Coalition
Implementation Tool
December 2023
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This resource toolkit offers best practices for contracting between health care systems and community-based organizations (CBOs) to address health-related social needs.


By partnering with CBOs, health systems and health plans are better positioned to serve people with complex health and social needs — including advancing health equity, supporting positive health outcomes, and reducing unnecessary health care costs. This resource outlines contracting best practices from the field and was developed in partnership with several CBOs, health plans, and health systems.

About the Tool

The toolkit details four key contracting elements: Creating value through CBO partnerships; Designing a CBO payment structures for social care services; Defining core contracted CBO services; and Operationalizing contract improvement processes and collaboration.

Each part of the toolkit has a resource guide, webinar, real-life examples, and additional tools to help guide CBOs interested in contracting with a health plan to provide services.

The toolkit also references a related toolkit designed specifically for CBOs new to health care-CBO contracting. 


Partnerships between the health care system and CBOs provide greater opportunity to address health-related social needs of people with complex needs. This toolkit features best practices for CBO and health plan contracting.

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