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Displaying 1 - 20 of 39

Community-Based Organization Services Evidence Bank

Curated collection of research studies highlights the efficacy of services provided by community-based organizations, with a focus on outcomes relevant to health care partners.
Website/Resource Center

Community Health Worker Programs

Curates recent evidence behind community health worker programs that support people with complex health and social needs, as well as practical strategies to support effective implementation of these programs.

April 2023

Making the Value Case for Complex Care

Explored how complex care stakeholders can incorporate a multi-factor approach to measure and demonstrate the value of complex care programs for diverse stakeholders.

Telemedicine for Health Equity Toolkit

Offers practical recommendations to improve telemedicine interventions to be more equitable for diverse populations, particularly those with low incomes.
Implementation Tool

Medical Care at Home Comes of Age

Provides an overview of home-based medical care models, the patients that they serve, and their robust evidence base.